Radio Company on the Rise
Supernatural star Jensen Ackles and his friend Steve Carlson, the musical duo Radio Company, are set to release their first album soon. The album, titled Radio Company Vol. 1, wa

s announced via Ackles’s Twitter on Monday, October 21. The album is set to be released on November 8.
Ackles met Carlson when they were roommates in Los Angeles, and the pair have been writing and performing together for fifteen years since. They officially decided to form Radio Company in 2018. In that time, Ackles has also been working on the hit TV series Supernatural with costar Jared Padalecki.
As the final season approaches, the two main stars have been lining up other opportunities. This includes Padalecki’s “Lone Star” reboot and, now, Ackles’s venture into the music industry. Best of luck to Radio Company, who mentioned that there will be a single released on iTunes for anyone who preorders the album!