Hannah’s Top 10 Songs During Quarantine
Probably not much of a surprise to anyone who knows me, but I listened to a lot of music since we had to start quarantining in March. Some new music graced my ears while some older songs I have always liked made me feel nostalgic. The music industry has been tested these past few months since concerts have been canceled or rescheduled. As a big music fan who basically lived at concerts, seeing the shows I was supposed to go to tested me during this pandemic. But continuing to listen and enjoy music has helped me keep going. Here are my top 10 songs that I enjoyed the most during this quarantine.
Number 10: “Something’s Gotta Give” by All Time Low

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This upbeat song with one of the strangest music videos I have watched is a song that a lot of people can identify with. The chorus, “Wake me up/Say enough is enough/I’m dying to live/Something’s gotta give/Oh/Pull me out/Of this sinking town/I’m dying to live/Something’s gotta give” makes me think about how much our world has changed since this pandemic started and how I just want my life to go back to normal. I want my concerts back. Something has got to give sometime soon. I know I am not the only one right now who is dying to live again.
Number 9: “Dirty Little Secret” by The All-American Rejects
This song is a throwback. This song first came out when I was in elementary school, and I have always

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loved it. I used to write the lyrics on the sides of my classwork. I got told to stop doing that a lot, but for some reason, I kept doing it. This is just such a catchy song that you can’t help but to enjoy.
Number 8: “Oh Well, Oh Well” by Mayday Parade

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This is a song that I really loved in middle school. I forgot about this band in high school, but after attending Sad Summer Fest in 2019 and seeing Mayday Parade live, my love for this emo band returned. This was the first song they performed live at Sad Summer Fest and I was sent back to my middle school days (it is debatable if that was a good thing or not). This song is still one of my favorites, and I do not think that is going to change.
Number 7: “Do What You Gotta Do” by Dove Cameron and Cheyenne Jackson (Descendants 3 Soundtrack)
Now this song is from the Disney movie Descendants 3. Dove Cameron plays Mal, Maleficent and Hades’

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daughter, while Cheyenne Jackson plays Hades. It is in this song that the audience discovers Hades is Mal’s father. This song, even though it is about how each other feels about their relationship, is super catchy and upbeat. For some reason when I listen to this my mood always improves. There is just something about snarky remarks the whole way through the song that brings me joy.
Number 6: “Bang!” by AJR

Screenshot by Hannah Middaugh
This song played on the radio a lot and was also one of the songs on TikTok that blew up. I could not get it out of my head. It is such a catchy song. I can go two days without listening to it and somehow it will start playing repeatedly in my head. However, AJR just have a lot of catchy songs, so honestly if you wanted to put any AJR songs on this list, it has been on my “On Repeat” playlist on Spotify at some point this summer.
Number 5: “Okay” by As It Is
This song means a lot to me. This was the song that made me realize I needed to get help for my mental

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health. “Okay” will forever be the song that reminds me that it is okay to not be okay and to seek help. I am not sure where I would be mentally if it was not for this song. Although this song is about a serious topic, the upbeat music behind the words makes it a positive song. This song could mean something else to other people, but it will always be my “I’m not okay. I need help,” song.
Number 4: “Your Anything” by Double Identity

Screenshot by Hannah Middaugh
“Your Anything” is the latest single from my internet friends Courtney and Arden Kurhayez in Double Identity. This song is perfectly catchy while also making sure a toxic person knows that no one wants to be anything to them. If you want to listen to a “I’m taking back my life” song from a small band, this is it.
Number 3: “Monsters” by All Time Low featuring Blackbear

Screenshot by Hannah Middaugh
“Monsters” played on my Spotify for a solid week before I had to stop myself. I love everything about this
song. The beat, the lyrics, Blackbear’s rap, and some classic All Time Low feels, this song is just amazing.
Number 2: “F2020” by Avenue Beat

Screenshot by Hannah Middaugh
The title of this song should be self-explanatory. This song is literally about how messed up 2020 has been so far. This song has both a clean version and an explicit version. Personally, the explicit version is my favorite to listen to. Much like what Avenue Beat said, “I don’t know about everybody else/But I think that I am kinda done/Can we just get to 2021? Please.”
Number 1: “Why Worry” by Set It Off
“Why Worry” will always be a song that I will never skip over. This song from the first time I listened to

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it has had a special meaning to me. I am an overthinker which makes me worry (a lot). “Why Worry” reminds me that I do not need to worry all the time because worrying does not help anything. When I first heard Set It Off perform this song live, everything that was bothering me just disappeared and I felt like a weight was taken off me. This song still gives me that feeling when I listen to it. Also, the little lyric change in the chorus at the end of the song is something that I always want to scream at the top of my lungs; “Just tell me, why do we worry?/When worry is never helping/I’m not buying what they’re selling/So if worry is never helping/Tell me why, why worry at all?”