Staying Safe On and Off Campus
With Spring Break approaching and fun things on the horizon, there should be a couple of things on everyone’s mind before they head out on their adventures. Safety should be the first priority for everyone, no matter what the shenanigans on or off campus might be. Nobody wants to be having fun then find themselves in a hospital waiting room or worse, be the one in the hospital bed.
To start, safety on campus is very important, since safety in general is very important. Unfortunately, as young adults, we tend to get into more trouble than we realize because we ignore basic safety rules. Most of this information can be found in the blue book and on the Wilson website. Most importantly, Campus Safety consists of our security guards, led by Sam Woodring and Kevin Miller. The phone number to contact security is 717-372-2255. If there are any concerns at all, call security as soon as possible. Even if all that is needed is someone to walk you back to your dorm, it is better to be safe than to be sorry.
Safety off campus should also be kept in mind, especially when driving home or drinking alcoholic beverages. Never drink and drive. It seems like it is common knowledge, but people still make the decision to drink and drive, insisting they’re only “buzzed,” and that’s when an accident happens. That’s when people get hurt and innocent families are torn apart. Be responsible with any drinking done on or off campus.
Moving on to something else tempting, most drugs are illegal and should not be taken. This also sounds like common knowledge, but according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 19.7 million Americans battled substance abuse in 2017. Substance abuse is real and it always ends in either remission or tragedy. Don’t become another statistic, talk to a hotline such as the one for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at 1-800-662-4357.
Spring is a great season. There is more sunshine, warmer weather, and it immediately precedes summer. At Wilson, we have Spring Fling celebrations that last all weekend, Dean’s Day, and other time-honored traditions. Don’t let a bad decision ruin this spring for you, or for anyone else. Stay safe and have fun!