FRESH Series of Sustainable Agriculture

During this semester, the Fulton Center for Sustainability Studies organized its annual FRESH series to provide essential information regarding to sustainable family-farming to Wilson and public community.

FRESH series stands for Finding Responsible Eating Strategy for Health, which includes three workshops in January, February, and March at Wilson. Typically, the organizers invite a guest speaker, who is an expert in agriculture to share their experience and knowledge in each workshop. Fulton Center is reputable for the Community Supported Agriculture, a vegetable subscription program for Chambersburg residents operated in summer and fall. The FRESH series is another program which keeps people engaged in the Center as well as agricultural issues during winter.

Their core value is to support health and fresh food through sustainable growing. Christine Mayer, the director of Fulton Center highlights the importance of agriculture, “Most environmental problems derives from agriculture conducted on a large scale. In other words, agriculture is a leading contributor to climate change.” Therefore, through the workshops, people have a chance to gather and learn about eating and growing habits in a sustainable way.

This year, the first workshop took place on Saturday, Jan.27 in Allen Auditorium. Darin Pridham and family presented about their organic farming, which provides much more flavorful and nutritious products. The next workshops will be associated with the theme “Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist with Michael Judd” and “Jane Goodall’s Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating,” respectively.

The workshops are free and open to public. They will be held Feb. 24 and Mar. 24, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm at the Allen Auditorium. The workshops will provide essential knowledge about useful eating and growing habits from agricultural experts.

If you have any questions about the FRESH program or Fulton Center’s other program, contact Christine Mayer at

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