InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Saved My Life

By Jordan Yeager

The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is to establish communities of students and faculty at colleges and universities who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord, while witnessing for Him. These communities grow in love for God, learn more about God’s Word, respect God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and seek God’s purposes in the world.

InterVarsity saved my life without me even realizing it. It wasn’t until the end of fall semester during my sophomore year that my relationship with Him started. I had always been searching for a better relationship with God, but I just never knew how to get there. My second year of college, I joined InterVarsity in search of that relationship not really realizing how big of an impact this club would have on me. I had had a rough semester and was burnt out by week three or four. I had was depressed, experienced suicidal thoughts, had mental breakdowns on a daily basis, was getting less than 5 hours of sleep every night, while barely eating enough to sustain myself.

The stress was overwhelming, but I still showed up every week to Bible study. That’s where I met one of my best friends and started to learn more about God. There wasn’t a distinct point in time where my relationship with God turned for the better, but I could feel the Holy Spirit through me, and I could feel God working. The next semester rolled around, and I joined the leadership training that InterVarsity offered that Spring. It was one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences I have ever gone through, but ultimately drew me closer to God.

Next thing I knew, my peers nominated me to help lead this club. Today, I am one of the Co-Presidents of InterVarsity and I couldn’t be more grateful. This community has been such a great opportunity for me to grow in my faith, but also to bring other people on campus closer to God. The Lord has used, and is still using, me in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined while sharing the Gospel. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship saved my life.

We still have Bible studies every Tuesday night at 6:30 pm in Sarah’s coffeehouse and all are welcome to join! Thank you for reading one of the many testimonies inspired by this group. If you want more information, or just want to chat, message me at

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