Wilson’s Plant Club and Aloe Sale
The aloe sale held by Wilson’s Plant club last month was a smashing success. According to club President, Kallie Carter ‘22, this fundraiser has been in the works since last semester, and she is immensely pleased with the results.
According to Carter, aloe is the ideal plant to sell because they are hardy, cute and can heal burns, giving these little succulents a purpose. She and the other club members tended the plants for months prior to sending them to their new homes.
“I was very invested in making sure no one got a sick aloe!” says Carter.
These plants are relatively easy to care for, but be wary of placing them in direct sun, Carter warns. Additionally, allow the soil to completely dry before watering them again, and keep them away from pets!
The Plant Club was started by Carter and faculty advisor, Christina Panko-Graff, in the Fall of 2020 with the goal of getting students involved with the on-campus greenhouse and sharing their love of planting and gardening with the Wilson Community.
For Carter, plants have more than just aesthetic value. “Plants have a level of emotional attachment for me, I worked in the garden with my Nana for as long as I can remember so being able to continue that here at college makes it feel more like home,” she says.
In addition to sentimental value they hold, Carter is invested in sharing their medicinal value as well. “Plants give you so much to learn about. There are holistic uses for plants, help with calming or stomach aches, headaches and muscle fatigue or cramps. Plants also help you keep pests away or attract specific insects or other animals closer to you, there is so much going on every day in the garden that it is never dull!”
Members of the Plant Club are involved in a range of activities, including outdoor community work, t-shirt design, learning sessions and planning future fundraisers. Plant lovers should stay tuned because they are considering a succulent sale as their next project, according to Carter.
If you’re interested in joining the Plant Club, or if you’re a new aloe owner and have any questions about watering, re-potting or other plant care, contact Kallie Carter at kallie.carter@wilson.edu.