We All Need Support Right Now

When I originally started writing this last week, I had a lot of motivation. I had everything planned out for the next week. I actually had a sleep schedule. I was on top of all my homework and papers. I was reaching out to friends.
Now? Now my sleep schedule does not exist. My plans took a left turn. I fell behind on homework and papers. As for reaching out to friends, I barely find time to talk to my family and spend time with my dogs on a daily basis. I would like to say that I will probably get back to it, but at this point, I am exhausted with everything.
I have not left my house since we left for Spring Break. Those few weeks we had a break from classes were some of the most boring days of my life, but now my days are filled with homework, music, and binge-watching “Criminal Minds.” However, the homework controls my life. I have not gone a day without writing some kind of paper. My eyes hurt from staring at my computer screen and reading books for hours at a time. This whole online learning thing is not working very well for me.
There are a few things about this whole situation that have made me feel better about everything. The counseling center have these fun “Lunch and Learns” on Wednesdays and workshops on Thursdays that have been extremely helpful with trying to stay positive. Many Wilson faculty and staff have reached out to check-in on things. I appreciate these little things more than they probably realize.
Being involved in quite a lot on campus had me constantly running around and talking to people. I never once believed that I would be doing any of that. I planned on keeping my head down and just focusing on my studies. As most of you know, that did not happen. I cannot even tell you what all I am actually involved in or what I want to get involved in. That being said, going from constantly moving and talking to someone to staying stationary for hours at a time with things I can’t control (like family knocking on the door while I’m in a class) stresses me out. My anxiety has been through the roof, but I have been dealing with it as best as I can. The little check-ins from people in the Wilson community have meant a lot, and seeing more and more people from the Wilson community stepping up to help everyone else makes me glad to be a part of such a caring community.
We are all going through a rough time and we all need support right now. So, thank you to those who have been reaching out and checking-in. Thank you to President Fugate for keeping us all updated on the latest information. Thank you to those who donated for an emergency fund for students in need. Thank you, Wilson community, for continuing to be dedicated to what you do. This all might be a scary and stressful time, but we got this.