“Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls”
Before this semester, I had never traveled outside the United States. Luckily, I got the opportunity for a new adventure over fall break. When my family traveled to Niagara Falls. It was an amazing experience, and it is great to have such a wonder only about 8 hours from Wilson. While I anticipated the trip for several months, being able to experience a different country was amazing.
During the trip we visited the falls on both the New York side as well as the Canadian Side. On Saturday, we visited the New York side. We rode the Maid of the Mist, which is a boat

that takes you right up next to the falls. Let’s just say that you definitely get soaked. The view is amazing and one hundred percent worth it. We also did the Cave of the Winds tour, which lets you stand on platforms right in front of the falls. There is even a hurricane deck that gets you drenched, but is absolutely worth it. The aquarium is small but unique, where you can see all types of marine animals and fish. There are also many different shops and restaurants to visit around the falls which makes it an exciting day full of new experiences.
Saturday evening was when we went to Canada. We crossed the Rainbow Bridge, one of the bridges that gets you to Ontario. The excitement was exhilarating! Just walking around the city was interesting, even though it was not very far from the U.S, it was like walking into a completely different culture. The Canadian side of Niagara Falls had many different shops and restaurants, as well but it did not take long to find some familiar places that are common here in the U.S. On Sunday, we went to see the Canadian Falls. It was incredible to see them from above since we saw them on the Maid of the Mist boat. We also went to the Skylon Tower that has an observation deck about 520 ft high. It was breathtaking to see the entire area. We went twice, once during the day and then once at night since the Falls are illuminated at night. I absolutely loved the entire experience, and I cannot wait to go to Ontario again.