April 3, 2019
Dear Editor:
The 2019 Friends of Legal Services Book Sale, scheduled for June 7-9, 2019, will take place in Laird Hall on the Wilson College campus in Chambersburg—as it has for the previous 34 years. But next year, 2020, we are going to need new indoor space for the sale—at least 8600 square feet, with reasonably ample parking, located within 10 or 15 miles of Chambersburg.
Please help us keep this wonderful community event going! We would appreciate any suggestions or leads regarding space that might be available for our sale. Please call Franklin County Legal Services at 717-262-2326 if you have any suggestions.
Please let us know of any leads for warehouse space as well, because we may need to find a new space to sort and store the books for the sale, starting in October 2019. We would need about 2000 square feet of space, climate-controlled to protect the books, with a restroom.
Very truly yours,
Ellen Giglotti
President, Franklin County Friends of Legal Services