VISTA Rocks the Lizard Lounge
Electronic-tinged, pop-rock band from New York, VISTA, performed at the Lizard Lounge in Lancaster, Pa on Feb. 2, 2019. The band 25th Hour,formed in Lancaster while band members attended Millersville University, opened. Both performances were filled with energy and enthusiasm.
The Lizard Lounge, on the ground floor of the building, is a part of the Chameleon Club. Designed to look like an underground performance stage, the Lizard Lounge is a smaller performance venue for smaller bands and crowds. It was a small stage that was practically a step higher from the rest of the floor, which fit both of the bands’ performances well.
25th Hour started the show with some of their originals. The lead singer, Tabi Rudy, sang her heart out and made conversation with the crowd, most of who seemed to be friends of the band. The bass player, Andrew Higgins, joked while performing, especially with the drummer, Tyler Samsel, while the band played a slow song. The two guitar players, Nathan Kraus and Paul Lerario, would try to get the crowd to interact with the songs throughout the performance. At one point, Rudy spilled her drink on the stage and asked someone to grab napkins in between verses in a song. She continued singing the song while cleaning the mess up with her foot moving the napkins around. The band also did a cover of an audience member’s favorite song for their birthday. Both bands hel

ped get 25th Hour’s equipment off the stage and set up VISTA’s equipment so the switch in sets could go smoother.
VISTA entered the stage in a perfectly fitting dramatic fashion for them. Peter Jenkins, the live drummer for VISTA, entered the stage first, followed by the bass player they’d asked to play with them and Greg Almeida, the lead guitarist and one of two of the vocalist of the band. Haunting music filled the small space, leading into their newest single, “Born For Blood.” Then lead vocalist, Hope Vista, entered the stage and started singing immediately to the song. During their performance, Vista asked how to correctly pronounce Lancaster and said, “We always get it wrong when we come here, so we always double check.” They continued to sing, dance around the stage, and joke with each other, making the crowd laugh. The group also sang a new song called “Faults” which Almeida and Vista joked about releasing in the new year, but most likely are not going to. The song is personal to Vista, giving listeners a look into her struggles throughout her life. 25th Hour was present in the crowd, having just as much fun as everyone else.
VISTA rounded out their show by saying how great they were that we went to the show and told the crowd to meet them at their merchandise table in the front of the venue. VISTA made conversation with their fans, took photos, and gave autographs to people to asked.
Having being able to interview VISTA before the concert, I gave them a copy of the Billboard when I met them outside the venue. Hope Vista posted a photo of the article on her Instagram story, saying, “Thank you so much!”
VISTA is a down-to-earth band that really appreciates their fans. They constantly are staying connected via social media and meeting fans at their shows. Add in their energetic performances and great music, this band puts on an amazing show. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter at, “ThisIsVISTA” and Instagram at “vistaband”. Also check out their website The group are currently rescheduling tour dates due to a medical emergency.