“A Day Without a Woman”

Photo provided by Creative Commons
The organizers of the “Women’s March on Washington” is calling for a general strike on International Women’s Day, March 8, also known as “A Day Without a Woman.” Women and allies will walk together to remind people about the enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to America’s socio-economic system, while still receiving lower wages than their male counterparts and experiencing discrimination in the workplace.
The “Women’s March on Washington” is a grassroots effort comprised of many independent coordinators at the state level. The organization stands together in solidarity with its partners and children for the protection of women’s rights, safety, health and families.
According to the “Women’s March on Washington” official website, anyone anywhere can join “A Day Without a Woman” in one or all of the following ways: take the day off from paid and unpaid labor, avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses), or wear red in solidarity with “A Day Without a Woman.”
As reported by CNN News, an Instagram post on Feb. 14, 2017, from the official Women’s March account said, “We saw what happened when millions of us stood together in January, and now we know that our army of love greatly outnumbers the army of fear, greed and hatred.”
About six million people have shown interest on Facebook in the upcoming event, and 856 people confirmed their participation.
From a sociological perspective, Julie Raulli, Professor of Sociology at Wilson College, said, “Political actions such as the Women’s March on Washington last month are crucial to raising awareness about women’s subordinate status around the world. Since the recent U.S. [presidential] election, women in the United States are now organizing to run for various political offices. This is especially important since women are grossly underrepresented in Congress and other seats of power given that they make up a slight majority of the U.S. population.”
Caroline Belot ‘17 expressed her wish to join the event. She stated, “I would absolutely take part in this event. I believe women’s voices need to be heard. I would be walking right at the front, banner in hand, celebrating how far we women have come and anticipating what is to come for my gender.”
Raulli believes actions should be taken in the future, “Laws need to be enacted and secured – such as the right to a safe and legal abortion, protection from violence, and equal pay. I believe that progressive social change toward greater equality has happened and will continue to occur as long as people stay politically engaged and demand equality for socially, politically, and economically marginalized groups.”
For more information about the march and how to get involved, visit https://www.womensmarch.com/womensday/.