Wilson College New Entrance Enters Wilson into the Future
Wilson College has a new addition to its campus, the main entrance. Construction on the $12 million project wrapped up two and a half weeks ago. The goal of this new entrance was, according to VP Finance/Administration Brian Ecker, “to really enhance the first impression it gives to visitors as part of the Streetscape and Pedestrian Safety Initiative”. But many wondered why construction took so long to finish. This was from, according to Ecker, “getting the rock walls sent here in pieces along with the two pre-cast light pieces that had to be made in a single piece each.”
The entrance might cause some to reflect on the flow of traffic. As Ecker stated, “the loop used to be a one way street; now its two way which should be an improvement on the vehicle traffic flow.”
With winter approaching, the next question would seem to focus primarily on inclement weather concerns. “It should be easier to plow things and should stay the same as always” commented Ecker. Sam Woodring the Security Administrator, went on to say, “It shouldn’t be a problem since they normally plow the snow up to the Alumni House.”
As a member of Chambersburg, what property value does this new entrance add? Assistant Professor of Spanish, Dr. McMenamin felt that, “it seems that it might have more significance in getting its name out to the community so that more people are more familiar with the growth of the college.”
In relation to the fall 2017 incoming freshmen, Director of Residence Life Sherri Sadowski, said, “anything that helps improve the college helps with enrollment. Its Bittersweet.”
So far community response has been positive. Business owner Joanne Tweedle from the 657 House Bed and Breakfast on Philadelphia Avenue stated that, “so far there is no impact on business here. We love the college and new entrance.”
What’s in Wilson’s future? Brian Ecker mentioned that since, “the main entrance is already finished, now we need to work on improving the other side of the lake, by the equestrian center.”
Wilson has not made these blueprints yet. However, Brian Ecker, as mentioned previously, states that these changes should be seen in the near future.