My Side of the Fence
I came to Wilson as an Adult Degree student because I graduated from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in 2013. This was my second Bachelor’s degree, so I know the college game well. I am applying to Midway University’s MBA program and will hopefully start in January. Right now, I am working full-time at a spay/neuter clinic and part-time on the weekends at a doggy day camp for puppy cuddles.
This past month has been an emotional roller coaster due to one of my cats getting ill. My Billboard family was there with me every step of the way. They gave me advice, kept my spirits up, and made me laugh even in times when I thought I could not. Working late hours while multi-tasking between writing papers, studying for exams, and editing articles forged long term relationships for me. I met my best friends working long hours at the barn through all types of weather. I want you to go out and find people that mean as much to you as my Wilson squad does to me. Remember! Quality over quantity is the best advice I can give for friendships.
The most important piece of advice I can give the 2019 class is this: GET OUT OF BED AND GO TO CLASS! Participation points are going to be your saving grace at the end of the semester. Be BRAVE and go past your comfort zone. Try out for a sport, join clubs (Billboard!!), and get to know your professors. You can’t ask for a recommendation from a professor that you have no relationship with. If you are lucky, you will have amazing advisors that stay in your life after graduation that you can go to as your second parents.
For the equestrian studies majors that noticed a certain empty stall in Barn 1, Merlin is loving his new home! We are walk/trotting and he absolutely loves free jumping in our indoor arena. He gets worked on by the chiropractor monthly and everyone at the barn can’t believe his naughty backstory. He lives out in a large field with a few other geldings and is in love with a sassy pinto mare.