Students Rate Dining Hall Offerings and Hospitality

Nutrition is very important for students because they should have the energy to study and exercise hard. At Wilson College, there are many students exercising, so the dining hall is significant. Most students use the place frequently daily, so opinions from students on food are most important.

After four weeks, enough time has passed to gain an idea of the food selections in the dining hall. Thus, students were asked their thoughts about food, cleanliness, and other important factors concerning the dining hall.


Male (25)

“To be honest, I don’t like the food selection in the dining hall. The other school I had attended has a corner in the hall and was divided into different kinds of food like Mexican, American, Chinese, and Korean dishes. In addition, there was a lot of types of food, so I could take various types of food. The worst of all is that I found a fly as taking dinner. It was inside of corn dish, so I panicked and I couldn’t believe it. On Saturday and Sunday, brunch has no various type of food to eat and it opens and closes early. However, fruit is always there, so it helps us keep doctor away.”

Female (21)

“The dining hall food is not various. Everyday there are pizzas, however, the selections on the pizza do not have many things. I wish there would be more various types of pizza and meat. I think most of the food in the dining hall is so salty that I can’t eat much. A few days ago, there was Korean food, Bulgogi, but it was too salty and then at dinner the food had changed and became bland. When they make food, I hope foods have balanced seasonings and tastes instead of extreme saltiness.”

Male (20)

“There are not many kinds of food, but enough in the hall. However, most of the food is fried, oily and not healthy. Sometimes, the food is salty and too sweet, but it depends on the food. I want to change food to be less fat, healthier food and add Brazilian food. I think I am getting a fat. Also, brunch is not good. They have less options and usually the food is cold.”


Male (25)

“Drinks are good because there are many options to choose and it became better than last semester.”

Female (21)

“Drink has a lot of options to choose, but I wish that there would be more types of juice. In addition, there are many types of fruits, but sometimes bananas and grapefruits are not many, so I can’t eat.”

Male (20)

“There are many sodas, but juice has not many options and it is not natural.”


Male (25)

“I don’t enjoy the desert frequently, but ice cream is good. It’s the best.”

Female (21)

“Sometimes the dessert such as cake is too sweet, but ice cream is really nice. I always enjoy that.”


Male (25)

“I am satisfied with the cleanliness of dishes, forks and knives.”

Female (21)

“The knives, forks, dishes, and spoons are not clean. Sometimes I find crumbs on the dishes.”

Male (20)

“It is clean largely.”


Male (25)

“The good thing is that the chef and staff are really kind.”

Female (21)

“They are really kind and nice.”

Male (20)

“The chef and staff are very nice.”



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