The Grand College Balancing Act
Balancing friends, school work, outside jobs, extracurricular activities, sleep and personal needs is difficult for every student.
Many Wilson students are involved in multiple clubs and outside organizations while taking advanced classes. Resources such as the Counseling Center and the Academic Support Center are available on campus but the struggle can still be difficult.
Recently Wilson College Alumnae Relations hosted a panel of alumnae to discuss this issue and to help students. The event sparked interest in what students can do to better balance their life.
Wilson’s Residence Life Program is full of students who have been trained in helping with time management. This wonderful part of Wilson’s community is available to help students and give them advice.
“Try not to procrastinate,” states one of Wilson’s Resident Assistants Samantha Schlegel, (GRAD) “and be able to tell your friends ‘no’ so you can get homework done.”
As Vice President of her class and President of the FFA, Schlegel understands the need to find a balance in life. It is easier said than done and she still struggles with time management sometimes herself. However, she never hesitates to ask for help when her workload gets overwhelming.
The best advice for students is to find what works for them. No one can be organized in the same way. Try different styles until you find the way that fits your life style.