Brettney Briefly: On Dress Code Drama

Students at Ben Chambers Elementary, where I go to school, are in an outrage over the school’s dress code policy. We can’t wear shirts that have pictures or logos bigger than two inches on them. How about the pants? We can’t have any patterns on our pants, shorts, leggings, or tights. You would not believe how hard my mom tried to find a white shirt to go with my polk-a-dot leggings that my Gigi bought for me before we moved here. I’m not going to put all of her hard work to waste!
We did not find out about the dress code until a week before school started and we had already bought all our school clothes. My mom returned some of the stuff we got since we can’t wear it at school.
My cousin Ansley and I went shopping for my school clothes before we moved and we found a pair of leggings with stars on them. They go great with a purple shirt we found, but I cannot wear those leggings. We also found a shirt with a heart on it that I can’t wear because it’s too big. It’s not like it’s a picture of a zombie eating a brain!
Back to the pants issue: skinny jeans are allowed, but jeggings are not. This is confusing, since they are basically the same thing. The only difference between the two is that jeggings are actually comfortable.
I had a dress code at my last school and I don’t mind having one here, but this is ridiculous and I haven’t even told you about everything!
It’s been really hard to find clothes that fit the dress code and it’s expensive to replace clothes that we already own.
Some of my friends and I are going to hold a protest so that hopefully we can help the students and their parents.
We have started a petition and are getting students at the school to sign it.
We are also going to make signs and flyers to put up around our neighborhoods. We’ll also use our signs to protest outside the school district meetings when they talk about the dress code again. I’m really excited about what we’re doing and hope it will help. If the school district hears us complaining maybe they’ll listen.