Orchesis is “On Edge” in Preparation for Spring Performance
by Brooke Ketron
Wilson’s modern dance ensemble, Orchesis, is putting on the final touches for their Spring performance in April. This year, the theme of the dance(s) focus on the idea of working on the cutting edge, “art you don’t see in mainstream media,” says Paula Kellinger, Prof. of Dance and advisor of Orchesis.
Dance Isn’t Always About Instant Interpretation
The performance will be held in the Appenzellar-Buchanan Dance Studio. Kellinger states, “The dancers are able to focus in a different way [in comparison to the Laird stage] in the studio. There is a process of creating the work and presenting it in the best way possible, developing a level of sophistication.” The performance will host several pieces of modern dance choreographed by Wilson students and staff. The lack of variety in dances, as in past performances, creates a more consistent and controlled experience for the audience. “At first exposure to modern dance, people don’t always know what they’re looking at,” Kellinger explains. “The audience doesn’t need to worry about ‘getting it’, it’s an individual response. People need to not be so hard on themselves.”
Orchesis Gets Serious
Orchesis students have taken a more serious approach to the performances this semester, including active promotion. On Mar. 8, Orchesis students dressed in costume and posed as real life props around campus at 7:30am, 12:00pm and 1:00pm. “Students have been very excited and are serious workers. I’m very proud of what they’ve accomplished and it’s nice for everybody to see what they’re doing,” Kellinger remarks.
Orchesis Performers Try to Contain Excitement
Students are also enthusiastic about the work they have done and are preparing to exhibit. “We‘ve been working really hard all semester and it’s really nice to be able to perform for the community,” said Briana Doscher ‘12, secretary of Orchesis, “It’s really fun to work with a group and meet a bunch of different people all over campus that you would not normally meet.”