HCC Students Display artwork at Wilson’s Gallery
By Charmayne Minaya
Hagerstown Community College and Wilson College are have collaborated for the arts. From February 12 – March 10, Wilson College exhibited HCC students’ fine arts pieces. This partnership with Wilson College will offer scholarships, as well as an opportunity to share their artistic voices above the Mason Dixon Line. The exhibition was held at The Bogigian Gallery in Lortz Hall, at Wilson College. Hours of operation are for the gallery are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Guests were required to comply with all COVID-19 safety mandates.
With this new partnership growing, The Department of Fine Arts and Dance is excited to announce that students participating in the HCC Visual Arts Program will be eligible to submit partial scholarships to Wilson College.
Philip Lindsey, Professor of Fine Arts states, “Giving this opportunity to 5 counties outside of Franklin County gives students a chance to further their education at a 4 year institution.”
Wilson College was proud to exhibit a variety of artistic styles, showcasing multiple art mediums presented by HCC students. The gallery gave the artists an opportunity to visualize and share their talents with a new audience.
For this exhibition, The Bogigian Gallery displayed 24 works of artwork ranging from photography, graphic design, and mixed media.
“The idea of this exhibition is to help students, within, but specifically outside the community, find their voices and share that voice with the community,” Lindsey shares. Although it is true that COVID-19 has slowed foot traffic down.
The exhibit is featured online for the public to access and view. If you missed this event, don’t fret, because April has much more in store. Faculty at Wilson College will be showcasing their works to the public for National Poetry Month. For further details please visit Wilson College’s Department of Fine Arts and Dance page for upcoming events.