Spring Fun Fest
In tandem with the Athletic Open House on April 22, the Wilson College Athletic Department hosted the Spring Fun Fest.
This year the Athletic Department has been hosting more events for both campus and the surrounding community with the Fall Festival last semester and the Spring Festival this past weekend.
Unfortunately, the festival had to fight through the rain, but it did not stop booths, students, alumnae/i, coaches, and recruits from showing up at the event.
While it was too cold for the dunk tank, the festival still had booths from Buffalo Wild Wings, a bartender, Wilson College’s Men’s and Women’s Soccer Teams, the Wilson College Athletic Department, and the VMT Club.
The day’s festivities also included the Field Hockey Alumnae Game and Paint Nite held in the evening.
As the Wilson community continues to grow, campus becomes more active with more events. Even as the semester is coming to a close, the last few weeks are filled with planned events that can be found on the Student Development Calendar outside of the Dining Hall.