Campus Activities Board Upcoming Events

The Campus Activity Board has been working hard to bring interesting entertainment to students. This semester CAB will be bringing in comedian Eric O’Shea and pop-rock band Against the Current. There are other ways CAB plans to entertain Wilson students this semester.

Eric O’Shea is a very funny comedian with a great Elmo impression with over 4 million hits on YouTube. He is represented by Summit Comedy and more information about his act can be found on their website. Students will be able to see him on March 2.

Against the Current is an up and coming pop-rock band with two EP’s released. They do covers of popular songs like Ain’t It Fun, Red, Uptown Funk, and Heart Attack. The band also has original music and videos that can be seen on their YouTube account againstthecurrentNY.

The annual Easter Egg Hunt will occur on Apr. 1. The kids’ egg hunt will start at 7pm and the adult egg hunt will happen at 9:15pm so that those with night class can attend. Flashlights are not provided by CAB, but are highly recommended.

(CAB would like to state they are not responsible for any injuries that occur during this hunger-games-like event)

Final Bingo will be coming up on Apr. 19 with thousands of dollars in prizes for students to win. Remember, to attend Final Bingo you must have a ticket. If you have to get one, attend bingo on March 29 for a chance to win one.

Hollywood Cinemas is this year’s Spring Fling event. During the day on Saturday May 2. Wilson clubs will hold a fair with various booths to raise money. CAB will also be providing inflatable activities and a balloon artist free of charge to all who attend.

If you are interested in helping with any of these events or joining the Campus Activities Board contact Rachel Kleinschmidt at for more information. Attend a meeting to learn more about what is happening on campus.


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