Wilson Invites Parents to Campus
This Friday, Feb. 13, marks the beginning of Family Weekend. It is an occasion hosted by Wilson College that encourages families to visit their students and see what campus life at Wilson is really about.
Family Weekend will be Feb. 13-14 and is open to any and all students and their families who are interested to come and participate. Family registration begins at 8 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 13. They will have the opportunity to go through their student’s day with them by attending classes and enjoying our cafeteria for both lunch and dinner. The evening concludes with dessert and entertainment in the Student Center.
This Saturday, Feb. 14, families will have the opportunity to attend a refresher course for financial aid and scholarship information for individuals and families unable to attend at the beginning of the year. Following, there will be a session highlighting everything new happening on campus. After the info sessions there will be a tailgate-style lunch outside the Hankey Center followed by both the women’s and men’s basketball games against Gallaudet University, held in the Frank E. Gannet Field House.
“I would love for families to go to the classes with their students” said Mary Beth Williams, the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students at Wilson College, when asked which of the activities might be the “must-attend” for the weekend.
Providing parents the opportunity to attend classes is a new change that provides a great opportunity for students to showcase their academic progress. As the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Development, Mary Beth Williams hopes families “will take away a greater love and understanding of Wilson College” by attending Family Weekend.
Of the student population, many are looking forward to the event and making preparations for their families.
“I am really excited to have my family come and visit” says Renee Williams ‘18.
As preparations continue to be made, it is looking to be a successful weekend, if the weather permits. According to the Dean of Students, there will be no make-up dates to reschedule Family Weekend in the event that inclement weather deters families from visiting.