Rosie Magee’s Departure from Wilson

Photo provided by Reverend Dr. Rosie Magee
Every Wednesday afternoon many students, staff and faculty look forward to hearing the sermon from our lovely Reverend Dr. Rosie Magee. But soon, our Chaplain will be leaving for Scotland to the Iona Community.
According to the Iona Community’s official website, “The Iona Community is a dispersed Christian ecumenical community working for peace and social justice, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship. The community is motivated by a shared commitment to Jesus Christ and his proclamation of a just and generous new order; by our own experience of the common life, and by a creative spiritual practice of prayer, song, silence and sacrament.”
Magee will be leaving for her new congregation in mid-February to become the Island Centre’s Director.
Dr. Magee has made countless contributions to the Wilson community, from her participation in Fiber Fellowship to conducting the Labyrinth Project in 2013.
“I came here as a rookie chaplain. This, to me, felt a very welcoming and nurturing community,” she said. When asked about how she came into this position, Dr. Magee reflected, “I didn’t actually seek it out. It came to me,” she smiled, “I sensed God at work in that call just as I did coming to Wilson.”
Just as she has had an impact on the students here at Wilson, Magee has been changed by the students around her: “What a joy, it’s been to see them flourish and grow into themselves. It’s a wonderful thing to see a student within four years grow into a leadership position.”
Magee is thrilled to have been at Wilson and the support that has been given.
“I am grateful for the support from the Wilson community, the Chambersburg community and the Presbytery of Carlisle.”
While she will be far away she is adamant that Wilson will never be forgotten.
“We enter each other’s lives and that carries on across continents. I carry people from Wilson in my heart despite geography.”
When asked what she will remember most about Wilson she took time to respond. “I’ll take so much away, such as praying together, my building skills (which have greatly increased in the past five years), perogee day, eating vast quantities of chocolate at Fiber Fellowship and the participation for the Labyrinth Project.
“I treasure people’s stories that they have shared with me,” said Magee. “Through chaplaincy I have an entry point into people’s lives at significant times, discussing their faith, struggles and joys. I have the privilege of walking beside and praying with people in these moments.”
We will all miss Chaplain Rosie and are looking forward to seeing her succeed in her new role.