Wilson College Athletic Department to Host Conference
The Wilson College Athletic Department will be hosting a National Collegiate Athletic Association/ North Eastern Athletic Conference Integration Institute on Thursday, April 10 from 7:30am-10:00am in Laird Hall on the campus of Wilson College.
The primary goal of the Integration Institute is to bring together Wilson staff, faculty and athletes to discuss the different components of the Division III model and how different Wilson campus communities can work together to enhance the Division III student-athlete experience. The Institute will feature a Wilson-focused discussion that provides the opportunity to better understand Division III philosophy and celebrate the student-athlete experience, embracing academics, athletics and co-curricular pursuits.
The roundtable discussions will include several groups of student-athletes, faculty and staff members. They will confer about the following topics: Division III identity and the college mission, how to define athletic success, the importance of conference championships, challenges of Division III ideal and promoting a positive athletic culture across campus.
The Integration Institute takes place during NCAA Division III week as a component of the many different events focused on enhancement of the student-athlete experience and celebration of Division III athletics. The Wilson College Athletic Department highly encourages the attendance of all members of the Wilson community. Please RSVP by Monday, April 7th to Samantha Burmeister, director of athletic communication, at samantha.burmeister@wilson.edu.