Movie Review: Inception
by Candice Grant
“Inception” is a mind-bending sci-fi laced with action and mystery starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Joeseph Gordon-Levitt and Ken Wantanabe. It was also one of the biggest box-office hits of the summer.
Audiences and critics had high expectations for the movie and Inception meets them. The film explores the idea that technology and even worse people can not only invade our dreams, but can also plant new thoughts; thoughts that could potentially ruin someone else’s life. This idea twists our ideas of the future.
This film is thrilling, but has a few minor flaws. While the concept of the movie is beautifully constructed, it lacked the background information needed to make the movie easy to follow for the audience. Also, the movie has to be watched more than once in order to fully understand the plot.
In spite of its flaws, the movie leaves viewers thinking, which is the most important aspect of a movie. “Inception” leaves audiences pleased to have purchased the tickets and spent the time.