Oscar Winner May Change Future for Wilson Students

Bigelow’s Hurt Locker changes the gender dynamics of filmmaking.

Female directing history

Only four female directors received nominations from the Academy in its 82 year history: Lina Wertmüller, Jane Campion, Sofia Coppola and Bigelow.

Bigelow rejoices in acceptance speech

In her televised acceptance speech on ABC, the Oscar winner stated, “I hope I’m the first of many, and of course, I’d love to just think of myself as a filmmaker. And I long for the day when that modifier can be a moot point.” This win could alter the future for women in the predominately male film business and the outside professional world.

Wilson students speak out

Jenn Fisher ‘11, a Fine Arts Majorat Wilson, considering Bigelow’s win believes, “hopefully women will be recognized as an artist or director instead of a woman first. However, one outstanding achievement, unfortunately, can’t break the system of patriarchy.”

Women in movie business

Professionals in the film industry express similar opinions. On March 9, Reuters reported Jane Fleming, President of Women in Film, an organization that supports and funds female filmmakers, stated, “Kathryn’s win is exciting because it shows the next generation what is possible.” But she believes an immediate change is doubtful, “I don’t think inherently it changes overnight the reality of moviemaking and the reality that female moviemakers lag behind their male counterparts.”

Feminist reaction

The Star-Tribune reported on Tue. March 9 that feminist organizations contend her win can promote a stronger female presence in other workplaces traditionally dominated by men such as the sciences, medical and military fields.

The Hurt Locker

Bigelow’s Iraq-based drama/thriller also won Oscars for:

Best Picture

Sound Editing


Adapted Screenplay


Her film beat the much hyped Avatar, directed by her former husband, James Cameron.

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