Some Final Words from The Billboard Editors

From Left: Editor-in-Chief Lesley Eichelberger and Apprentice Editor Casey Beidel
From Left: Editor-in-Chief Lesley Eichelberger and Apprentice Editor Casey Beidel

As the semester comes to a close, this final stretch is often a trial for students and faculty alike. While this time of the year is filled with holidays and reunions, it is also a hard time for some—especially those who have gone through major changes in the last year. As a college community, I think it is safe to say that we have had our share of turbulence in the last year. Some have graduated or moved on from the school, others are new to our community, and while for the most part Wilson is the same as it ever was, some things are just different now, looking back at the last year.

Avid readers of the Billboard may notice that change has been a constant theme this semester, and there is a reason for that. The college’s recent changes in enrollment have been the cause of many conversations, but that is not the only change we have endured. With some successes we also had some losses, and not just in reference to our sports teams.

It is important as the year comes to a close to put more stock in the good than in the bad. To grow we must remember and respect those things we have lost, and we must use what we’ve learned to move forward with what we have now.

So as you are giving gifts, dining with friends and family, and traveling home or elsewhere, live in the moment and enjoy it. But as you do carry with you the memory of what you have lost. Life, like the holidays, is about giving and receiving. When things are bleak and life seems to keep taking things from you, remember that life will give you something in return, even if it is not what you asked for.

On the brighter side of things, I would like to take this opportunity to say my thanks for to those that have made this year so special. First, I want to thank the wonderful Wilson College community. Without your support, none of our efforts would be worth it. Secondly, I want to congratulate my staff at the Billboard. The amount of growth they have exhibited over the past handful of months has been phenomenal, and work we will do in the next semester is going to be even greater than we have done before. I also would like to thank my Wilson friends. Fellow students, staff and faculty alike have made me feel like I belong. I can’t begin to express my thanks. Finally, and most personally, I want to thank my family. More so than ever, they mean the world to me.

 In closing, I have one final message for Wilson: Ho Ho Hold on. We are almost there!

~Casey Beidel, Editor-in-Chief

Left: Shoshana Rudski and Billboard friends
From Left: Shoshana Rudski and Billboard staff

Being a senior is weird. Really weird. I have one more semester of what I have been told will be the best four years of my life. I came to Wilson with the goal to become as invovled as possible. With only one semester left, I am so glad that I stuck to my origional resolution. I am on two horseback riding teams. I participated in a student run play. And I am the Graphic Design Editor of The Billboard.

Wilson’s small student body allows its students to pursue a broad range of opportunities that they might not be able to at a larger school. With a smaller student population more opportunities are available for the students who seek them.

So, my advice to students for next semester? Get involved. Do not be afraid to try something new. As J.K. Rowling said, “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” Wilson has so many opportunities to give you the real-life experience you need for a career. Academic classes give you a toolbox full of essential skills, but what good is a well-stocked toolbox without practical experience? Jump in, take risks, get involved, try something new and enjoy your time here on our wonderful campus to its fullest.

~Shoshana Rudski, Graphic Design and Layout Editor

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